Ms. Twinkle Maheshwary
Assistant Professor
Ext. No. 115888
Specialization: Comparative Corporate and Commercial Law
B.A, LL.B, LL.M.
E-mail Id:
Academic and Professional Qualifications:
- Ph.D (Intellectual Property Laws); Symbiosis Law School, Pune; 2018-
- LLM (Comparative Corporate and Commercial Laws); Queen Mary University of London; 2014
- B.A.LL.B; Symbiosis Law School, Pune; 2013
Research Area:
- Ph. D. Topic: Protection of voice as a personality right.
- Areas of Research Interest: IPR, Arbitration, Family Law, Sports Law, Media Law, Torts, Constitution
Work Experience (Academic): 3 years
- Courses taught: Family Law, IPR, IT Law, Entertainment Law (Media and Sports), Labour Law
- Teaching Pedagogy and Innovation: Discussion method is encouraged to make the class more interactive
- Total Teaching Experience: 3 years
- Legal Associate at Surge Laws, Delhi
- Total Industry Experience: 1 and 1/2 years.
Workshops and Professional Training Programs Attended:
- Seminar on Right to Information Act, 2005.
- Symposium on Socio-Legal Dimensions of Live-in Relationships.
- International Conference of Judges & Law Academics on Access to Justice, Legal Education & Understanding Incubator.
Service to the Institution and Administrative Responsibilities:
- Head- Cultural Committee for Symbiosis Law School, Noida